Essay Our National Poet - Quotations 10th and 2nd Year

The poet is a person who writes poetry. He communicates  his ideas in verses . His poetry may be literal or metaphorical . Usually, a poet expresses his ideas, feelings and emotions in literary style appealing to heart and mind.

1.  Wordsworth says: 

Poetry is the spontaneous. overflow  of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility

Thus a poet often uses fertile imagination  express his warm feelings and deep, emotions. 

2. In the words of William Shakespeare

3. The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling ,

 Doth glance from heaven to Earth, from Earth to heaven

And as imagination bodies forth

The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen

Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing

A local habitation and a name.

Pakistan is a land of poets. It has given birth to many great poets such as Hafeez Jullundhri,

Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Ahmad Faraz, Ehsan Danish, Habib Jalib and many others. But my favourite poet in Allama Muhammad Iqbal who is also our national poet.

4. To have great poet's, there must be a great audience 

It was the historic day of 9th November, 1877 when Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born in Stalket After the accomplishment of his primary education in his native city, an unquenchable thirst for learning brought him to Lahore. He did his M.A. in philosophy there, taught for sometime in the Government College. 

5. Words without power is mere philosophy 

Then he went abroad, did his PhD, and returned home. It was the time when the British ruled the subcontinent. The English with all their craftiness  and trickery were making utmost efforts to confine the Muslims to the stinking cages of slavery and ignorance. Iqbal, whose heart was ever throbbing for the service of his oppressed  nation, endeavoured to infuse a new spirit in the dormant and sluggish soul of the Muslims. 

6. It is the sign of living nations that their fate changes day and night 

Through his lofty verses, he embarked upon an auspicious mission that was the freedom of his nation from the yoke  of an atrocious  nation, the British. He not only inculcated (an indomitable ) fervour into the indolent outlook of the Muslims but also, by his inspiring epistles urged Muhammad Ali Jinnah to struggle for the freedom of the Indian Muslims:

7. Nations are Born in the heart of poets thy prosper and die in the handes of politicians